
As a social, nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, OAIR's main objectives include providing dedicated volunteer and humanitarian service to the underprivileged without regard to any form of prejudice (political, ethnical, linguistic, geographical, etc.), as well as taking an active role in Afghanistan's reconstruction.



Core Values:

·       Accountability and Transparency

·       Human rights

·       Responsibility

·       Confidentiality

·       Respect for other plus respecting local religious and cultural norms which does not affect badly human rights

·       Commitment and trust ship

·       Networking

·       Performance and team working

·       Peace, Culture and pluralism

·       Serving the people in equal approach in line with our organization slogans.

·       Mutual respect and partnership with the development humanitarian actors include human rights agencies, donors and governmental organizations.




·       Human Rights. Humanitarian Emergency Assistance & Advocacy.

·       Water and Sanitation and Hygiene promotion projects.

·       Education, Vocational Trainings, Agriculture, Income Generation Programs/Micro Finance, Peace & Capacity Building.

·       Establishment and strengthening of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Community Development Councils (CDCs) and promote coordination and collaborative relationship among civil society, public institutions, and donors.