As an organization committed to humanitarian efforts, OAIR
adheres to the fundamental principles outlined by the international
humanitarian community. These principles, derived from international law and
humanitarian norms, guide our actions and shape our approach to providing
assistance and protection to vulnerable populations. Here are the humanitarian
principles that OAIR follows:
OAIR is guided by a fundamental commitment to alleviate
suffering and promote the well-being of all individuals, without
discrimination, based on their needs alone. We prioritize the dignity and worth
of every human being, regardless of their background or circumstances.
OAIR remains impartial and refrains from taking sides in
conflicts or political disputes. Our humanitarian assistance is provided solely
based on the needs of the affected populations, without favoritism or bias
towards any particular group or faction.
OAIR ensures that humanitarian assistance is distributed
solely based on need, without discrimination or prejudice. We prioritize
assistance to those most in need, regardless of their ethnicity, religion,
nationality, or political affiliation.
OAIR maintains autonomy and independence in our humanitarian
operations, free from external influences or pressures. We make decisions based
on humanitarian principles and the best interests of the affected populations,
without interference from political, economic, or other interests.
Respect for International Law:
OAIR upholds and respects international humanitarian law,
including the Geneva Conventions and other relevant treaties and conventions.
We strive to ensure that our actions comply with legal standards and ethical
norms, protecting the rights and dignity of individuals affected by conflict or
OAIR is committed to transparency and accountability in our
humanitarian activities. We are accountable to the affected populations, our
donors, and other stakeholders for the use of resources and the outcomes of our
interventions. We strive to maintain high standards of integrity,
professionalism, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our work.
By adhering to these humanitarian principles, OAIR seeks to
fulfill its mission of providing effective and principled humanitarian
assistance to those in need, while upholding the dignity, rights, and
well-being of all individuals affected by crisis or conflict in Afghanistan.